Friday, 31 May 2013

GMAT Critical reasoning 오답노트 (5) weakening

A public health organization has proposed preventing further degradation of air quality through tougher emissions standards on automobiles. The proposed standards will decrease the incidence of asthma and other respiratory ailments. Tougher standards than those that are currently in place, however, will require expensive modifications to automobiles now on the road and will add to the cost of new automobiles. (evidence) The costs of further reducing emissions will outweigh the medical costs saved as a result of the decrease in asthma attacks and other respiratory problems. Therefore, (Conclusion) there is no economic rationale for requiring further reductions in automobile emissions.

Which of the following, if true, would undermine the conclusion that there is no economic rationale for requiring further reductions in automobile emissions?

In matters of public health, economic factors should not control the decision making process. ->out of scope
The increase in the price of new automobiles under the proposed standards will be less than the cost of modifying existing automobiles. ->Irrelevant; since they are on the same side equation
The medical costs of treating respiratory illnesses are expected to decrease in the next decade. -> 180
The modifications to automobiles that are required under the proposed emissions standards will be less expensive than many modifications that consumers chose to make on a voluntary basis. -> Irrelevant
-> 영향을 줄 수 있을 지 모르나 결론을 바꾸지는 못한다. 
Other costs, such as lost wages, incurred by those who suffer from respiratory illness caused by automobile emissions are far greater than the medical costs they incur.

Statistics show that although consumption of low-calorie, alternative sweeteners has gone up in each of the past five years, so (evidence)has the percentage of the population that is obese. According to sugar manufacturers, this shows that (conclusion)the low-calorie, alternative sweeteners are not effective weight loss aids.
결론은 효과가 없다. weaken -> 효과가 있다. 
Which of the following assertions, if true, would most weaken the sugar manufacturers' conclusion?
Many people who use low-calorie, alternative sweeteners eat some foods that are not low-calorie. -> 애매하다. 
Some low-calorie, alternative sweeteners can increase the appetite, making a person eat more than he or she normally would. ->180
Many people use low-calorie, alternative sweeteners to accompany a well-balanced, low-calorie diet. -> Nothing
Obesity has declined among people who have consistently used low-calorie, alternative sweeteners.
The rise in the consumption of low-calorie, alternative sweeteners is primarily due to an increase in the number of users rather than an increase in the amount each user consumes. -> out of scope

With the emergence of biomedical technology companies, it was feared that (Prediction) they would impose secrecy about proprietary research on their in-house staff and academic consultants. (conclusion)This constraint, in turn, would slow the development of medical science and the emergence of new technology.

Which of the following, if true, would tend to weaken most seriously the prediction of scientific secrecy described above?

:Which answer will provides any reason to expect that the prediction will or will not be fulfilled?

Biomedical research funded by the industry has reached some conclusions that are of major importance. Irreleveant
When the results of scientific research are kept secret, independent researchers are unable to build on those results. Strenthen
Since the priorities of biomedical technology companies dissimilar to those of academic institutions, financial support of research by such companies distorts the research agenda. out of scope
To improve visibility and enhance their reputation within the scientific community, most biomedical companies encourage employees to publish their work. the prediction will not be fulfilled. 
Biomedical technology firms allocate a portion of their research resources to problems that are of fundamental medical importance and that are not expected to produce immediate practical applications.

Some fast food chains have responded to concerns that their products are contributing to a perceived obesity crisis by offering customers a wide assortment(모음, 종합) of new "low carbohydrate" and "low fat" menu offerings. Clearly, (question) the reason for these menu changes is a desire on the part of these chains to prove that(explanation) fast food does not necessarily have to be unhealthful junk food.

:casual argument. we simply need to find a different cause for the introduction of the new items. 

Which of the following most seriously undermines the explanation offered above for the behavior of the fast food chains?
Nutritionists are still strongly divided over whether a low carbohydrate diet or a low fat diet is better for helping people to lose weight.
Many items that are neither low fat nor low carbohydrate remain highly popular at the fast food chains that have begun to offer more healthful options.
Those who tend to be the most concerned about the harmful effects of fast food on Americans' health would be unlikely to eat at these chains even if the chains provided low fat and low carbohydrate menu options.
Fast food chains have found that they can charge significantly higher prices for menu offerings that are perceived to be healthful and nutritious.
Consumer pressure has led several fast food chains to eliminate "jumbo-sized" menu offerings because of the perception that these offerings promote poor health and obesity.

The average score on a class test was 85%, (evidence) but students who studied using the workbook had an average of 89%, and those who studied using the textbook had an average of 82%. A new student recently joined the class. (conclusion)That new student decided to study using the workbook so he can get a higher score on the next test.

the reader should identify that this is more than one factor that could help determine a student's final grade

Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the new student's rationale for using the workbook to study?
The teacher did not believe that studying from the textbook helped people get a higher score on the test. Irrelevant
The vice-principal thought that the method for calculating the scores was incorrect. opinion 
The scores attributed to the students who studied using the workbook was as a result of the time they spent studying.
Someone who studied using the textbook received a score of 99% on the test.
That is possible and has no effect on the argument
Many of the questions on this test were harder than the questions that appeared on the last test. Irrelevant

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