Tuesday, 26 March 2013

writing expression 2. one by one

* One by one 하나씩, 한 사람씩
- ex: I am going to go through the items on the list one by one.

- syn. one at a time : Take one pill at a time 한번에 하나, 따로따로
- syn. piece by piece : The girl complete the work piece by piece. 조금씩, 하나하나
- syn. one thing each day : Do at least one thing each day whose only purpose is to make you feel extraodinarily happy, energized, and alive.
- syn. once a day/ once a month/ once a year 하루 한번, 한달에 한번, 일년에 한번

* Each to each  각각
- ex: Their score were equal each to each
- expression : each
1. each tree/ each year
2. Each has faced investigation.
3. Each has gotten the results
4. They are 12 dollars each for adults and 7 dollars each for children.
5. Each of you is as different as your fingertips.

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