한국어 문장을 영어로 바꾸기 연습을 해봅니다.
첫 문장은 스스로 바꿔보시고, 다음 문장을 읽어보세요. 외우면 더 좋구요.
각 문제의 두번 째문장은 모범답안입니다.
1. 나는 독립적이고 영리하기 때문에 내 친구 사라를 좋아합니다.
=> I like to her because she is independent and smart. (X)
=> I respect my friends Sarah for being independent and smart.
2. 나는 내과의사가 안정적인 직업이라고 생각합니다.
=> I think a physician is a stable job(steady job).
=> I think of physician is a good example of stable job.
3. 친절한 사람들을 자진해서 어려운 사람들을 돕습니다.
=> Generous people are willing to help people in difficulties.
=> Kind people are willing to help those in needs.
4. 내 컴푸터가 고장났을 때 나는 어려움이 있었다.
=> I was in trouble when my computer was out of order.
=> I had a hard time when my PC was out of order.
5. 우리 학교는 교수님들로 인해 높이 평가 됩니다.
=> Our school is highly praised by professors. (X)
=> My university is highly praised for its professors.
6. 나는 시험기간 처럼 압박을 받을 때는 집중하기가 어렵다.
=> I can not concentrate on my works when I got pressured like an exam period.
=> It is hard for me to concentrate when I am under pressure during exam.
7. 나의 아버지의 가족은 가난하셨지만 고난을 극복하고 대학에 갔습니다.
=>My father's family was poor but he overcame(bear/withstand) hardship and went to college.
=> My father's family was poor but he overcame(bear/withstand) hardship and went to college.
8. 나는 친구들과 수다떨기 위해 모입니다.
=> I meet my friends to talk together.
=> I'd love to get together with my friends to chat.
9. 나는 큰 연주회를 앞두고 연습에 나의 모든 것을 쏟아부었습니다.
=> I put all of my energy(effort/ time) into the practice ahead of the important concert.
=> I pour all of my energy into practicing before big recital.
10. 평생친구는 생각과 경험을 공유하는 친구이다.
=> A friend for lifetime is the one who shares thoughts and experiences.
=> A friend for lifetime is someone you can share your thoughts and experiences with.
11. 살을 빼는 데는 등산과 같은 야외 활동이 도움이 될 수 있습니다.
=> Outdoor exercise like hiking can help you to loose your weight.
=> Outdoor activities like hiking can help people loose weight.
12. 비록 장학금 수여조건을 충족했지만, 나는 추가적인 재정지원이 필요했습니다.
=> Although I met the scholarship requirements, I needed additional financial support.
=> Even though I met the scholarship requirements, I needed additional financial help.
13. 나는 많은 군중들 앞에서 말하는 것을 두려워 해서, 스피치 강의를 들었다.
=> I was afraid of speaking before audiences, so I took a speech course.
=> I took a speech course because I was afraid of speaking in front of large crowd.
14. 나는 문화를 직접 경험하기 위해 다른 나라를 방문합니다.
=> I visit other countries for a direct experience in their cultures.
=> I visit other countries to gain direct experience with their cultures.
15. 나는 다른 친구들을 따라잡기 위해 교수님께 많은 질문을 합니다.
=> I question to professor a lot to catch up with other friends.
=> To catch up with other students I ask professor a lot of questions.
16. 졸업 후에 아무런 취직 제의를 받지 못해 나는 스트레스를 받았다.
=> Since graduation, I didn't get any proposal from company so I got stressed out.
=> After graduating from college, I got stressed out because I didn't have any job offer.
17. 활동적인 생활방식을 갖는 것은 신체 건강을 유지하는 데 유일한 방법입니다.
=> Exercising in a proper manner benefits you staying physically healthy.
=> Having an active life style is the only way to stay physically healthy.
18. 내가 대학시험을 잘 본다면, 대학으로 부터 장학금을 받는 자격이 될 것이다.
=> If I have taken the college entrance exam well, I would be eligible to be given scholarship from university.
=> If I do well on my college entrance exam, I will be eligible for the scholarship from my university.
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